- Regular Visit With Pet(s) of 1 hour or less. Up to 3 visits per day if requested. Regular Pet Visit may include food, water, clean up, play, potty break, medicine, mail and/or newspaper retrieval, watering plants, alternating lights and/or window coverings $20.00, plus round trip mileage, calculated at approximate actual cost. Equine stall cleaning is included in a regular visit, if requested. However, if it takes longer than an hour for a lot of stalls, then it is $30.00. All visits are only in, or at your home.
- Hourly Rate. $16.00 per hour, hourly rate for planned visits of 2 hours or more, plus round trip gas mileage, calculated at approximate actual cost. All visits are only in, or at your home.
*Gas charges will be calculated at approximate actual cost. This applies to all visits.